Thursday, January 24, 2019

Farewell Post!

This is your last post for the class. Crazy to think about how fast time flies! We are going to do a farewell post where you look back at the things you wrote and pick a few favorites to remind the reader about.

Image result for farewell
Here are all the details you should include in your final post. 

1. What do you think were your top 3 posts? Were these the most interesting? The most fun? The most creative? The most well-written?

*Describe which ones they were and put a link to them or add images from those posts to this new one.

2. Which 3 blogs from your classmates did you think was the most creative or fun to visit?
Name them, write why, and post the links to their blogs under this number.

3. We added memes, quotes, gifs, videos, avatars, and sidebar gadgets to our blogs. Which one did you like making the most? Why? Describe and add an image to fit your choice.

4. What is a post that we should have done but didn't? Describe.

Thank you! Tomorrow we will do awards!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Tutorial Wednesday

Hi folks!
On one of our last days, I thought it would be great to do a final tutorial post that is very similar to the "How-To" post that we began with WEEKS ago as this class was just starting out. This time, I would be very curious to see which one of these options you'd choose to do for your tutorial today.
Image result for tutorial

Option #1
Make a tutorial that includes 6 steps about how to do something related to your topic that you haven't written about before. Images should be included with each step and a description and one video if you can one that fits well.

Option #2
Make a tutorial that includes 6 steps about how to maintain a blog and be creative with it. Imagine that someone else might take this class in the future. What steps would you tell them to follow to make their blog or experience a good one? Include images and descriptions, but you don't need a video. A gif or meme would be fun!

Can't wait to see what you pick!

Image result for blog tutorialsImage result for blog tutorials

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Post of Choice & Voting

This is our last week for blogging, and it is a short one! I always do awards for blogs, so here is the plan for the week:

Today - Do one last post of your choice related to your blog topic. It can include whatever you want to write about and be at least 10 sentences long with some images or videos to highlight your topic.

You will also receive a ballot to vote on for the blog awards. To do this, you will need to visit our class blogs and vote for people in different categories. Turn this in to me today or tomorrow.
Image result for blog awards

Wednesday - you will have to check the blog for a final post to do.

Thursday - I will give out the blog awards, and we will make some decisions about leaving our blogs up or having them go dark.

Friday - We will do a final review/reflection on the class (It's a half day!).

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Powerful Quote Post

I just have to say that your memes from yesterday are hilarious. I read through as many as I could an commented on several of your posts. I hope figuring out how to download and save them to the blogs wasn't too difficult. Thanks for doing such a great job on them!

Today you are doing some more creating with images and writing. There is a great site called PABLO that allows you to pick images and add meaningful quotes or thoughts to them in a simple, free way....just like the image you see here------------------>

Your task for the day:

1. Find a quote that holds meaning for you - if it relates to your blog topic - Great! It doesn't have to though.

Sites to use for quotes:

2. Use PABLO site to find a picture you like that fits your quote and create an image with the quote. Download and save it to your computer, and then upload it to your blog.

3. Write 10-15 sentences about:

What does the quote mean to you?
How does it apply to your life?
Describe a situation in your life that it helps you think about.
Who is someone else in your life that this quote could apply to or that it reminds you of? Why?
What does remind people to do or remember?
If you had to rephrase it into your own words, how would you do it?

I hope they come out looking awesome!
Happy Friday!

Mrs. C

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Making Memes Post for Thursday

You have all seen memes...they are prevalent throughout our culture and often poke fun at social behavior or thoughts people have about a variety of issues. Check these out:

Image result for funny kid memes

Image result for funny kid memes

Image result for funny kid memesToday you are going to make 3 memes to add to your blog. It would be the best if they relate to your blog topic. Try to make at least 3 and then explain how the process went for you in your post in 5-10 sentences. Have fun with them!

These sites will help you create them. Try one or all!

Imageflip is easy to use. It has a lot of images to pick from or you can upload your own.
Kapwing also works and seems easy.
Make a Meme is the one I've used most often. It's also worth a try.

You will have to save what you create and then upload them to your blog as images. Be creative!
After you load them on, explain how the process went in 5-10 sentences. Thanks!

Professional Blog Visits

Here are the links you need to visit and evaluate the professional bloggers on the form given in class:

1. Sparktoro
2. Tim Ferris
3. Betty Rocker
4. Poppyloves

#5 - You pick your own!

When you finish, make sure you are caught up on your other posts. Reading through them yesterday, I could see folks were missing some or weren't writing very much!



Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Personal Post Choice - Pick a different topic for a day!

You have been doing so well writing on all the various themes I've given you that I thought I would give you the option today to write about something COMPLETELY different than what you normally do. So, today you can opt to write about something ELSE...maybe a show or movie that you are obsessed with right now, or something in the news that is bothering you...or how work has been going. You decide!
Image result for new day
For this post, the items you need to have are the following:

Topic heading with description of what you are focusing on for the day.

10-15 sentences about your new topic of the day.
1 image or video
Add a new widget to your  blog for fun...remember those!?

Have a great day!